South West Queensland
SarahJo's Horse School
email: sarahjohorses@gmail.com ~~ phone: 0456 406 163

Riding Lessons
Feet Trimming
Breaking Horses
Problem Horses Re-Schooled
Weekend Horse Group Rides
(camping out overnight with your horse)

When I work with your horse(s) they are well cared for and are around me all the time, treated as family.
When I am finished with schooling a young horse, it is so quiet that your great grandmother could ride the horse to church on Sunday morning.

Due to COVID restrictions and drought we have had to suspend operations for the time being
Sarah is a local who, during her 50 years of riding and caring for horses has worked in some of the big stock camps in Queensland and the Northern Territory; and gone droving with pack horses.
Sarah still travels by horse and pack horses whether visiting friends, collecting shopping, going to the doctor - horses are integral to her day to day lifestyle. She travels throughout the Murweh Shire and as far as Roma to the east, Tambo to the north, Cunnamulla to the south and Quilpie to the west.